Savannah Christian Prep resides on a beautiful, 227-acre campus.
Facilities include thirteen buildings with classrooms, labs, media centers, three gyms, a cafeteria, an outdoor pool, a track, five athletic fields, four playgrounds, and the Ecological Diversity for Educational Networking (E.D.E.N.) outdoor education center.
The tall pines, majestic oaks, and pecan trees that shade the Chatham Parkway campus provide a peaceful backdrop for developing the whole person to the glory of God. Â

1599 Chatham Parkway
Savannah, GA 31408
 (912) 234-1653
 (912) 234-0491
From I-16, take the Chatham Parkway exit, turn left, and the school is immediately on the left. The school is located on Chatham Parkway between I-16 and Highway 80.